Tuesday 30 October 2012

Global lighting Market

The global lighting market is expected to have revenues of around EUR 110 billion
in 2020, with 6 percent and 3 percent p.a. growth from 2010 - 16 and 2016 - 20,
respectively (Exhibit 1) based on McKinsey’s Global Lighting Market Model.
Appendix 4 contains a description of the assumptions underlying the market model.
These figures demonstrate that the size of the global lighting market is similar to
that of the global TV market. It is important to note that this is calculated based on
the producer price. If the model’s calculations were based on retail price instead,
factoring in both the wholesaler’s and retailer’s value added, this would almost
double its size, making it comparable to the entire personal computer industry,
including both laptops and desktops

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